The Beauty of Contrast in Life

Sep 30, 2019

Just the other day it was a beautiful, sunny, 70 degree, fall day.  The leaves are turning brilliant yellow, orange and red while being contrasted by the bright green of the luscious grass.  It was glorious.  One of those days you wish would last all year.

That’s actually what the announcer on our local Christian radio station said.  She made a comment to the effect that everyday should be like this until mid-May.

Oh, that sounded lovely!

But… for only about one minute.


I was driving to pick up my kiddos from school when I heard her comment.  I hate to admit this, but I often start day dreaming in the car.  At this particular time, that’s exactly what I started to do.  I started to imagine what life would be like if every day was like that glorious day.  How we could play outside every day.  How we would be able to take in this stunning portrait of nature that God was giving.  How we could go biking, hiking...

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