Hello!  I'm Amanda.

I'm honored you're here.



A little about me...

in case you're interested.

I am wife, mother to three, weight loss and life coach, RN, and an excited Jesus Christ believer!

You'll most likely find me at home with my kiddos and husband exploring outdoors, playing games, or snuggling together. My absolute favorite thing to do (anytime of year) is to wrap up in a blanket and read. Even though I LOVE to be snug and secure in my blankie, I still jump at the chances to get out of my comfort zone and be a light for Christ. Oh, and to let my creative juices flow, I work on creating a cozy, minimalistic home.

That's the happy profile that I want everyone to think of me as.  But, there's a not so “warm and fuzzy” side too...

After my third child, I really hit a low. It was clear that I was not living in the FREEDOM Christ gave me by His death.

I was having health problems, marriage strain and parenting difficulties. 

I was doubtful about God and who God made me. 

And, I particularly HATED my body.  That hate left me lacking confidence and joy.

So, I did what all of us do.

I looked to the world to feel better.

I went on diets. I read books. I exercised more. I tried the latest supplement.

But in the end, I just gain back any weight that I lost and sat, wallowing in the emptiness of it all. 

Nothing lasted in making me feel “better”.

I felt like I was drowning in the physical weight, guilt, struggles of everyday life, and a fear I was just a big mistake.


God doesn't make mistakes though.


Yes, I still make A LOT of mistakes. I doubt and worry. I get upset. I overeat and reach for the ice cream instead of my bible.


But God is so good to save and made me realize His way was the best and only way to truly feel better.


God gave me a big dose of truth a couple of years ago. I now realize the REAL problem; believing the enemy’s lies and dwelling in that darkness.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. John 10:10

Satan wanted to keep me overweight and miserable.  He didn’t want me to take care of this temple that houses the Holy Spirit.  No way did he want me to have the confidence to shine Jesus’ light into anyone else’s life.


The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; (Romans 8:6)

I learned how to take my thoughts captive, reject the lies, and chose the Spirit's truths.  


That changed my life. 


Not only did I lose weight, I started to care for this temple I was gifted with.  I had so much more joy in the relationships I was in and the life I was blessed with.

And, I gained the confidence to step out boldly in faith to walk the path God had set out before me.

One afternoon, while working as an RN in an IV therapy department, I had a patient come in with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Physically she felt miserable.  Emotionally she was a mess.  As I started her IV to get the medication going, she confessed that she hated her body.  She hated how she looked and everything about her life.

The physical pain wasn’t the biggest problem.  Her mind and spirit were broken.

That’s when I knew God was calling me to more.  To encourage and support women, centered on God’s way, not the world's.


As a certified Weight Loss and Life Coach, along with my nursing experience, and by the grace of God… I help women lose the physical weight for good.

But along with the physical weight, they ditch the heavy burden of emotional weight they’ve been carrying around.

It’s done by taking captive of every deception that keeps them overweight and bringing it to Christ.


That’s how you live in FREEDOM through Christ and CONFIDENTLY follow God’s calling.


Sign up for a Consult Call where you can explore if coaching is the next best step in your journey.


"Before coaching with Amanda, life had become unmanageable. I was ready to run away from it all. I felt despair because I had run out of tools to use and had no idea what to do next. I saw Amanda's encouragement in my Facebook feed and contacted her. By the second session, things started to change. I wanted to be part of my own life again. I now have the confidence to move forward with anything I want to do in my life."

- Lisa -

"Sometimes it’s hard to admit you need help. I am one of those people, however I decided to contact Amanda to see what her 12 week program was all about. I am so glad I did because I have made so much progress in that short amount of time.She has taught me tools that I can use beyond these 12 weeks. If you are even a bit curious as to what she has to offer, take that first step and chat with her! There is no judgment and most importantly you have nothing to lose!​"

- Krista -

"I'm just about finished with 12 weeks of health coaching from Manda, and I have to say, it has truly been a total health transformation. I've had friends help my with my health journey before, but they usually only speak from what works for them and the changes made aren't long lasting. Manda helped me with far more than working out or eating right, she helped me with the mental aspect of health. I didn't change how I ate and I didn't workout for the first 5 weeks of our sessions, but at that point something clicked. I'm now back to about 4 workouts a week and I'm feeling much better physically and mentally than I was 12 weeks ago. You might not realize it, but having someone to help you through the mental part of your health journey can help make a huge change in your physical health journey. I have no doubt I'll use the tools I learned in my sessions with Manda for the rest of my life."

- Candice -

"Peoples. You have no idea how powerful coaching can be!!! Top of mind and consistent efforts GUIDED by someone who wants to help you change THIS TIME!! No more second times, this time! Huge difference from one shot quick fixes! The key is HABIT CHANGE!"

- AJ -

"I found Amanda’s coaching thought-provoking and very helpful. It amazed me about much of my struggle with food, in general, has to do with my self-image, low self-esteem, etc. Focusing on all of that and the truth of who I am in Christ was so important. In all honesty, this whole weight thing is such a mental thing and without knowing the truth of who we are how can we be successful in anything really? Not just health-wise, but anything. I didn't really know what to expect, I am just so grateful for the opportunity to be coached. Your encouragement and helping me just keep moving forward is what I needed. Thank you, Amanda!!"

- Becky -

"Before I started coaching with Amanda, I was angry all the time and yelling at my kids. I tried to reason as to why I felt this way and what was going on. Honestly, I thought something was wrong with me; that maybe I had a hormonal imbalance. It was a miserable time. I finally contacted Amanda when I realized I couldn’t figure this out on my own. Her posts kept showing up and I knew I needed to talk to her. From the free, initial call I felt relief. I was certain she could help me. Now, after her coaching I’m not yelling or angry all the time. I know how to apply the tools I’ve learned to work through any problem. That’s the great thing about coaching; it is applicable to every area of life, so every part has improved. What’s unique about Amanda’s coaching is that it is also Christ centered. Don’t wait. Sign up now. It is so worth it."

- Michelle -

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