And hard work stinks.
It’s not all rainbows and daisies. Often there are no butterflies.
There is just YOU and the work that you don’t feel like doing.
Taking a nap sounds better. Maybe some Netflix or a little shopping.
A phone call to vent to a friend would be nice.
Definitely, a glass of wine and a big ‘ole bowl of ice cream would make it all easier.
But then there are the results.
The hard work turns into the energy to run around with your kids…
the joy of putting on two sizes smaller pants…
the self-confidence to start that bible study…
the connection of those intimate evenings with your husband.
Six months later you are living all the blessings of the hard work.
Then you think about the six months previous, the hard work…
And you appreciate it.
Now, you look forward to more hard work…
You relax into it. You understand that life is better with the stink of hard work rather than the stink of feeling overweight, frustrated, tired, stuck, and lacking self-confidence.
So, you choose more stinkiness and get back to the everyday work that’s not as hard anymore...
Embrace the hard right now. Don’t resist it. Lean into it.
Actually, I recommend you seek it out.
Let your lifestyle, the way you live, be one of hard, meaningful, work.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
You'll reap the harvest soon.
**If you're ready to persevere and do the hard work of losing weight for the LAST time, sign up for a Discovery Call.
I want to help you take back your self-control so you can live this life in confidence and joy. Sign up for a call by clicking HERE.