Opportunity in Overwhelm

I donā€™t know about you, but Iā€™ve been feeling pretty overwhelmed lately.

With my husband and kids being home 24/7, new information to sift through, and the day-by-day (sometimes hour-by-hour) planning because of the constant changesā€¦

itā€™s made my head spin.

My head might be spinning, but here is what you won't find me doing:

Iā€™m not going to blame or wish things were different.

It won't make me feel better nor will it help me make wiser choices

I refuse to indulge in it.

Rather, I want to focus on my current circumstance (things I can not change) and what I do have control or influence over.

Here is my present situation:

3 kids at home.  A husband working at home.  An extra office space set up on our dining room table.  Snow outside.  Plenty of food in our fridge.  My mom still living with us and available to help. Bins, draws and shelves full of craft projects. A sewing machine with dust on it.  A house that hasnā€™t been deep cleaned for a year.  Devotionals that havenā€™t been opened in weeks.  Yoga mats, weights and exercise videos.  A guitar Iā€™m learning to play.  Closets bursting full needing organization.  Baskets and cabinets full of toys and games.  Multiple bibles, bible studies and Christian books sitting on shelvesā€¦

This list just continues to grow.

Almost to the point of a new overwhelmā€¦ an overwhelm of possibility.

Here is how Iā€™m choosing to look at the upcoming ā€œsocial distancingā€ā€¦

itā€™s an OPPORTUNITY.

An opportunity for me spend this time to connect with my kids.  Learn what theyā€™re learning, hear their fears and know their hearts. 

Itā€™s an opportunity for me to learn more about my husband's work, talk together, cook together and make new memories.

Itā€™s an opportunity for me to connect and love myself.  To understand my thoughts and learn to manage them better.  To clean and organize (one of my favorite things to accomplish).  To care for my temple in a way I didnā€™t have time for before.

But best of all, itā€™s an opportunity to slow down by connecting with God, worship with my family intimately, and to really learn to TRUST and LEAN into God even in uncertainty.

What a blessing God has given us?

All this beautiful time to be present and to really get back to what matters mostā€¦

God and his unending LOVE.

Join me in loving, wonā€™t you?  I pray that I, and you, take this time to learn to love our families deeper, ourselves in a new way and our God more.

Enjoy it.

Blessings Friends!


PS. Here is a really great opportunity, I am offering a FREE WEBINAR to teach you how to Lose Weight for Good with God! There are three times available for you to join in and learn how to ditch the weight, the guilt and the disappointment and really start living a life of confidence and joy.  Click HERE to find the times and sign up.

Iā€™d do it now.  Donā€™t say youā€™ll do it later or youā€™ll forget.  Click HERE now šŸ˜Š

PSS. My most fervent prayer right now is that you slow down.  Listen to this beautiful body God gave you.  Take time to really understand who you are and what keeps you stuck.  AND GIVE YOURSELF GRACE.  Nothing good come from being angry and beating yourself up.  Love yourself enough to commit to a change. 

This is the BEST time to do that!


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