Many people look at me now and think, “Oh, there’s no way she used to struggle with her weight.”
But I did.
I know what it’s like to spend the whole day thinking about what I ate last, what I’m going to eat next, and if I “deserve” dessert.
I know what it’s like to join diet programs that never lasted and to binge on large amounts of food after eating “so well” all week.
But, I had a lot of large obstacles in the way.
I wasn’t able to find a weight loss program that centered around God’s word AND focus on my root problem.
No. The root problem is not the food or exercise.
So I decided to do the next best thing, I invested in a coaching program that helped me lose weight by managing my mind, but didn't have the biblical truth behind it.
Then I prayerfully and intentionally scoured scripture and only implemented what I believed was biblical. Not only did I capture thoughts by managing my mind, but I brought them to Christ.
Sounds kind of crazy, huh?
But I had tried everything else I knew… so I took a leap of faith, asking for God’s guidance the whole way.
You might think that I’m just the rare special case and nothing is ever going to work for you.
But I’m not. I want to show you that God wants the same for your life.
If I did it, you TOTALLY can!
First, you have to stop just focusing on food and exercise to lose weight.
To be truly successful you need to TRANSFORM your mind.
Now I coach Christian women that want biblical advice so they don’t have to struggle as I did.
In my coaching, we do address what you eat but we go deeper by helping you manage your mind.
You may feel like you’re failing right now, but that is because you only know the external actions to lose weight (eating and exercise). You haven’t figured out how to change INTERNALLY so that the Holy Spirit’s strength and self-control works through you.
Until you learn how to change internally, no diet book or weight loss challenge in the world is going to help you lose weight and care for that temple FOREVER.
God puts helpers in the world to guide us to make Christ-centered, impactful changes in our lives. But we have to take the first hard step and reach out for that help.
It’s normal to have questions before you take a leap of faith. That’s why I want to offer you a Discovery Call. It’s a time to get your questions answered and to really see if this is God’s next step for you.
Sign up for a Discovery Call HERE and find out.