When NOTHING Works

Dec 30, 2019

What do you do when NOTHING works?

How do you react when EVERYTHING is going wrong?


As I am writing this, I am trying to deal with 5 different tech issues at once.

Nothing is working right.

I can feel myself getting frustrated.

I can feel the anger and annoyance building up inside.

That’s when I glance to the kitchen. 

“I’m hungry.  Maybe I should get a snack.”

Yep.  That bad habit that I thought I had tamed pops up again.  I turn to food when I start feeling frustrated, angry, annoyed or just plain mad.

It may make me feel better in the moment.  But, only for a second.  When I get back to the tech issues, the frustration just starts flooding back.  Along with that, I'll be frustrated I ate.

If I had been using willpower to stop myself from eating, I would have gave in at this moment.

I would have thrown my hands in the air and declared, “I DESERVE THIS for the day I’m having.”

But I’m not...

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