You’re a what?
Why would people need a coach?
Like… how can you really help them just by talking to them?
I get this all the time. Someone asks me what I do and I tell them I’m a health and life coach.
That’s usually when I get a blank stare. Maybe a half smile and nod if I’m lucky.
So, for those of you that are curious about exactly what I do, I will try my best to describe it here.
All of you know what you need to do to change a certain aspect of your life. Maybe you want to lose weight. Maybe you want to be happier. Or maybe you want to stop yelling at your kids. You know what you need to do (even though some of you tell yourself you don’t, you really do know) but seems like you are unable to follow through. You even take a few steps to get to your goal. But after a while, you fall back into old habits. Nothing seems to change and it feels like you just keep...
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