You SHOULD... - Essential Three to Being the Best Mom for Your Kids

Apr 15, 2019


**If you would like to listen to this blog post, scroll to the bottom for the audio version.


Week three of the six part series: Essentials every Mom Needs to be the Best Mom for their Kids.


If you missed the other two, you can find them here and here


I’m so excited for today’s topic!  Once I adopted this in my own life, I saw a huge change quickly.  I can't wait to share it with you.


Lets talk about ditching the “should”.

 So, what am I talking about here? 


You know the phrases…

  • My husband should help out around the house.
  • My kids should know by now to pick that up.
  • My friends should call me on my birthday.
  • My mother should want to watch my kids.


Don’t tell me you haven’t said something like this before.  I know you all have! And I have too!

I want you to see that we are talking about humansWe are expecting these humans to take a...

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Mindset Makeover - Essential Two to Being the Best Mom for Your Kids!

Apr 08, 2019


**If you would like to listen to this blog post, scroll to the bottom for the audio version.


Week two of the Six Essentials Every Mom Needs to be the Best Mom for their Kids! 

This series is all about giving you the tools I have learned that made a HUGE impact on my life and how I parent.  But guess what?!  Even if you’re not a mom yet, these are still great tools the can change your life.


Essential Number Two:  Create a Positive Mindset for Yourself


I love definitions. So, I had to Google the definition of mindset.  It is kind of a buzz word but I really wanted to get to the root of it.  The definition is the established set of attitudes held by someone.

The phrase ‘established set of attitudes’ jumped out at me. So I went back to Google.  Establish means that it is set or has been around a long time. Attitudes are a way of thinking or feeling about someone or something. It is reflected in a person's...

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Love Yourself - First Essential to Being the Best Mom for Your Kids

Apr 01, 2019


**If you would like to listen to this blog post, scroll to the bottom for the audio version.


It’s April! Woohoo! For most of you winter is done. For us in Minnesota, the end is near!

New season, new excitement, new energy!

Same goes for me ;) I’m so excited to share my next blog series with you. I’m going to outline it quickly here in this post, but I will be writing about each of these topics more in depth. Be sure you sign up for my weekly emails so you don’t miss it!


For the next six weeks, I will be talking about Six Essentials Every Mom needs to Be the Best Mom for their Kids. Guess what?! If you’re not a mom these essentials still apply to you!

Are you excited? You should be!  This will be a great opportunity to start making shifts in your life so you can THRIVE and be the mom you want to be!

So.... let's begin with Essential Number One:




I want to share two common themes I hear from...

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